
Posts Tagged ‘A New Earth’

Tuesday, during an evening of meditation practices around the Equinox,  I had the opportunity to “put vision” on my want for awakening and enlightenment. This basically looks like sitting in pairs, in eye contact, and going through a meditation practice with a topic.

It was a really beautiful experience. My partner is a friend of mine, and I was glad to have the opportunity to sit with her, in this space, on this topic.

Basically, I can see how my focus on “fixing” the things “wrong” with me is ever so easily fodder for delusion. On the one hand, “deconstruction” is very helpful and maybe even essential to spiritual development. I have experienced the opening that follows recognition of an old pattern as “not me” or for whatever it is, and then Light flows in.  On the other, I could chase all of these things that are “wrong” for eternity. It’s very easy to go from someone with a genuine desire to transform, to someone with a laundry list of  “things I have to fix before I can…”

The space of real seeing into what I’m looking forward to becoming was like…almost like a tunnel and a clearing of perfect space at the end. The single most important realization of the session was the experience–not just conviction–that enlightenment is THE simplest thing. Of course this has been said over and over, but experiencing the simplicity brought a monumentally different level of understanding.

So this morning, I sat down to Chapter 1 on Oprah.com/anewearth to refresh my Eckhart Tolle batteries. While there are many pieces I’m walking away with this time, a particularly big one is seeing how I can do my enlightenment homework every day, for at least most of it. Eckhart pointed out that the majority of the day is taken up performing mundane tasks that we perform all of the time. Showering, cooking, walking to and fro. Really not much of it is taken up with more complex tasks. Sure, at work I have complex thinking tasks to perform, but they happen in bits and pieces, with lots of checking email and getting up to go to the sink or bathroom in between.  Every mundane task is an opportunity to practice Presence.  I will start with that and see where it goes first. Then I’ll put emphasis on speaking to others with Presence (well, I put emphasis on this here and there anyway), and then…?

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Awareness Scale: 4.65

I was just listening (again) to the Chapter 9 episode of A New Earth on Oprah’s website. So many elements strike me as monumentally important. I finally decided I could choose one and focus on it.

At about 1 hour and 11 minutes in, Eckhart says, “Live as if the present moment were more important than past and future.”

Hmmm. Interesting to look at the dual drama of awareness and asleepness happening in me when I contemplate this notion. First, I respond from a deeper place, “Yes. I want that.” Then, I try it on for size. Immediately I feel how I have a fear that arises. “But, that’s too much.” “But, I might miss something…” “But…but…but…”

Usually, that’s about as far as I get. A string of “buts” and I’m back to the merry-go-round. However, if I insist…a few moments of silence… “Eating this French toast at this moment is more important than rushing through it to hurry and write my blog.” “Sitting in the sun, feeling its radiance, of primary importance. Next tasks secondary.” But, springboard back on to the merry-go-round…

“Yes! Great idea!” and off I go with a litany of fantasies about “when I’m enlightened…” The interviewer asks, “Are you enlightened?” And I answer, “If enlightenment is no longer being run by my mind, then yes, I am…” And my mind compulsively plays it over and over and over for the gratification of the brilliance inherent in this profound statement…until finally the train of thought collapses under the weight of it’s own irony, and I can’t help but burst out laughing. 🙂

Awareness Scale: 5

P.S. The photo is of a room at the Jewish Museum in San Francisco (photo by my friend and his phone). Yesterday we visited the Andy Warhol exhibit and stumbled on the sound exhibit in this room. “The Aleph-Bet Sound Project.” The Hebrew alphabet made sound. Brilliant! Totally captivating, and well worth a visit.

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Just me at 4:45 PM PST and my laptop computer screen in an empty apartment, lounging on the couch, wondering if I have anything illuminating to reveal to myself.

Old Business: I have not watched Oprah.com/anewearth episodes at work at my desk before work, as I plotted to do in my last post. Getting to my desk early enough has proved challenging, not to mention remembering to bring headphones. Nor have I re-instituted regular breaks as I was doing previous to this position. Nevertheless, while still nowhere near sufficiently, I have in the past week taken moments while at work to re-focus on the present moment. And, I realized with increased work hours comes decreased creative time. Thus, Friday night through today I have spent significant periods of time in solitude, and Saturday I bought a graphite pencil and a sketch book, and even did a sketch.

It is my personal makeup that without significant periods of solitude and “involution” time I become bonkers. Stress levels rise, and Presence is reduced to an agenda item on a long list of to-dos. Creative time, meditation, and time in nature all contribute to stability and conscience.  I’m sure this is true for everyone to some degree, but for me, it’s crucial or the rest of my life tends to become radically unproductive.

I’ve also been noticing perhaps even more the incessant din in my noggin, particularly when I first wake up. It’s like coming back home to a party that never stopped, and as the minutes tick by, getting more and more wrapped up in the goings on, until I’m a full-fledged participant.

Come to think of it, my meditation teacher says in a CD talk something like, ‘Imagine being at a loud party and the guests just never go home. That’s what it’s like without meditation: the party never stops.’ Exhausting to even ponder. And yet, that’s what life feels like in the absence of Presence. With Presence, the party becomes a non-issue. I’m not reduced to a blathering idiot at the mercy of the outside environment and the inner din. It really is like being held captive…yet, the door is open. I can walk out any time I want to.

Ahhhh: Freddy Krueger.  I seem to recall that he couldn’t actually kill you, rather, he was responsible for scaring you into causing your own death out of shear uncontrollable fear. Now that I read the Wikipedia entry for this character, I see that at least in the original movie this element was present: if you weren’t afraid of him, he didn’t have power over you, and at least for the moment would go away.

I think that’s more in line with my relationship to my blathering ego. There are moments I can stand and look at it, rather than being harried by its constant barrage. In fact, it’s when the barrage becomes totally ridiculous that I sometimes get a reality check: “Is this really necessary?” It’s the general white noise that I have a real challenge waking up from: the bulk of my day.

I also stumbled on another delusion the other day. I was driving around with some sense of purpose, like my next decision about whether or not to stop to refill water jugs, or go to the Container Store, or go straight home, had some deeper meaning. It was somewhat startling to realize in a flash that I was looking at the routine events of my day as if they had some cosmic significance, and “I’d better choose wisely, or else,” when in reality, I was deluded.  I get caught in this loop, trying to make the “RIGHT” decisions, whether it’s where to go to school or where to sit in a theater or which chocolate truffle to eat. (“But which one is the RIGHT one?!”)  As if there’s some cosmic determination as to the “right” and “wrong” chocolate truffle.

Present example: the length of this blog post. I’m noticing my mind agonizing over whether I should have posted it a paragraph or two ago, and started a “November 9, 2008 II” post (for ease of digestibility/readers including me not being daunted by the apparent length of a post and deciding not to read it), or say fuck it and keep typing.  “But what is the RIGHT decision?”

It seems to me that this is a function of my ego: wanting to make the RIGHT decision, so as not to screw up and be guilty of failure.  (I am not a stranger to the label “perfectionist.”)  So, while I can reason myself away from this type of thinking–“It’s not what I do but how I do it,”–I’m suspecting that the consistent preoccupation with “right” is a part of my egoic structure that I can watch with increasingly frequency.

Funny, however, that even as I begin to ponder letting go of the string of this helium balloon that I don’t need anymore, I get a feeling of…of what? Of being the balloon floating out in space, unteathered, lost.

As I conclude my post, I’m checking inside: “What’s going on inside me at this moment?” (Pg. 49 of Practicing the Power of Now) I’m noticing a feeling of “doing,” of “what’s next?,” of residue from reviewing the notes of a scary movie (I’m super susceptible to scary movie things; it’s a Neptunian thing). Some feeling of, “Should I have had that last piece of chocolate? Do I feel a bit queasy? What do I eat now? I feel like calling someone and chatting…getting out of my own head…”

In general, not a feeling of ease. But as I let that be just fine–rather than a judgement–the tension…eases. “I’m not ok, and that’s ok. In fact, that’s just fine.”

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Cobalt Macha Mug

Cobalt Macha Mug

Listening to Oprah.com/anewearth, Ch. 4, Minute 13+, Eckhart commented sumthin’ very useful to me.

First, “It is much more likely that your planning is going to be fruitful if it is proceeded by a period of presence and stillness. Any mind activity is much more likely to be beneficial and creative if it is proceeded by a period of presence and stillness.”  So, walking in the woods–being PRESENT on your walk–proceeding planning, for example.

Then… “Then you apply the mind and say, ‘Ok, what do I have to do today,’ and then you make a list…”

When he made this second point, something totally clicked for me. I’m still mulling it over, but basically…

For a long time, I’ve adhered to this idea that it’s a good idea to plan. (Not that I do it as much as I think I should. Procrastination.) It seems so many resources are wasted in the world, simply from lack of planning, from my personal time to vast quantities of water, energy, etc. However, most people don’t feel that planning is important enough to warrant stopping what they are doing to plan (“I’m too busy to think about what I’m doing!”), and some even specifically rebel against this activity (like the last guy I dated; he had this samscaric thing against planning ahead).

My little ego feels vindicated: “Enlightened guy saying I’M RIGHT! You’re supposed to plan!” Of course, that’s not what Eckhart said at all. He simply said that if you’re going to plan, it and any activity requiring thinking is best proceeded by a period of presence, and then you enter into planning (or whatever thinking activity), and then you return to presence.

However, this is where I got excited. You see, he went on to say, “Once you’ve done that then you know this is what I have to do, so you’re not continuously in the next moment; you don’t project yourself…”  This basically sums up my underlying feeling that it’s a good idea to dedicate time today to planning for tomorrow. Then, once that activity is “complete,” you can go about being present today.  For people without responsibilities, perhaps this scenario doesn’t’t apply, but for most of us…

I’ve always sort of wondered at my “positivity” that planning is a good idea. Sure I’m organized and such, but this feels like it hits the nail on the head. In fact, now that I’m typing about it, I am reminded of a story I told my friend the other day about my time management while in the Green MBA program…

It was about five or six weeks until the end of the semester. Due dates were approaching, and I felt sure I was so far behind the ball, I could really fail. So what did I do? I got my smelly markers (berry, lemon, apple) and some large pieces of drawing paper and drew out a time line for the rest of the time I had between that day and the end of the semester. I calculated approximately how many minutes I spent doing each expected task each day, and after all of those mundane things were taken care of (from sleeping to showering to working to transportation between point a and b), how many minutes per day I had available for actual homework.

Then I guestimated how many hours I needed to complete each project. Compairing how much productive time I had available to how many hours of homework I had, I deduced that I had enough time, with a bit to spare, before the end of the semester.

Fewf!!! What a relief! And here I was sure I was too far behind, period. This process (that took no more than about two hours max) enabled me to be more present for each assignment than I would have otherwise been, worried I didn’t have time to really concentrate, because I had this and that and this and that still to attend to. And in the end, I did complete everything, more less on time!

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Good day 🙂

So, just to introduce my intention here a little more coherently…

My name is Felicia, and I’ve totally bought in to The Power of Now and A New Earth, both books by Eckhart Tolle.  Without having been exposed to a great degree to his work, many of my references may not make sense, and my blathering will be out of context.  But, if you find something useful in it anyway…

I will re-trace a few months here, posting some journal entries from key moments in my transformation.  On a spectrum toward some generic level of “awakened,” with 0 being the beginning (the general population) and 10 being the goal, I regard myself at around a 2.5 on an average Felicia day (and that might be optimistic).  I may have had moments as high as sevenish, but very few.  It is to those moments I refer when I’m in a place like I am at the moment: cloudy.

I am also a student in what I regard as a “hard core” meditation school.  I feel that the metaphysical tools I’ve been forging through my practices enable me to have a much greater perspective on this process, and even to tap resources I may otherwise not otherwise take advantage of.  However, these tools are not indispensable for attaining the state of awakening Eckhart Tolle refers to in his books.  While I feel the school to which I belong is essential to my personal spiritual development and fulfillment, it is not necessarily for everyone, whereas I do feel Eckhart Tolle’s teachings are FOR EVERYONE.

As I mentioned in my first posting, my goal here is to both help keep myself on track as I transform, and to engage — directly or indirectly — with the collective evolution of my species.  This blog could be found in the “to do” section of my “business plan” for “Conscious Being: Independent Contractor.”  It’s a document I started a few weeks ago to help create structure, accountability, and strategy in relation to WAKING THE FUCK UP.



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